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Journal articles:

  • “Extreme temperatures and school performance of the poor: Evidence from Mexico” (2024) (with Alejandro López-Feldman), Economics Letters, 238.

  • “International remittances and the labor market in Peru” (2023) (with Roy Herd Núñez Joyo*), Economía Journal, 46(92): 125-154.

  • “The Impact of COVID-19 Infection on Labor Market Outcomes of Mexican Formal Workers” (2023) (with Raymundo M. Campos-Vázquez, Gerardo Esquivel, Eduardo Alcaraz, Luis A. Martínez, & Norma G. López), World Development Perspectives.

  • “Gender bias in evaluation processes” (2022) (with Raymundo Campos), Economics of Education Review.

  • “Gender stereotypes in job advertisements: What do they imply for the gender salary gap?” (2022) (with Raymundo Campos, Raquel Badillo & Sergio Lopez-Araiza), Journal of Labor Research, 43: 65-102.

  • “Costo económico de la impunidad / Economic cost of impunity” (2022), Sobre México Revista de Economía, 3(5): 1-37.

  • “The income gradient in COVID-19 mortality and hospitalisation: An observational study with social security administrative records in Mexico” (2022) (with Raymundo M. Campos-Vázquez, Gerardo Esquivel, Eduardo Alcaraz, Luis A. Martínez, & Norma G. López), The Lancet Regional Health: The Americas.

  • “Brechas salariales por auto-identificación indígena y rasgos lingüísticos en Méxic / Wage Gaps by Indigenous Self-Identification and Linguistic Traits in Mexico” (2021) (with Pedro Torres*), Sobre México Revista de Economía, 3(2): 129-161.

  • “Droughts and rural households’ wellbeing: evidence from Mexico” (2020) (with Danaé Hernández* & Alejandro López-Feldman), Climatic Change, 162: 1197-1212.

  • “Gender Stereotypes: The case of in Mexico” (2019) (with Raymundo Campos), Economics of Education Review. 72: 55-65.

  • “Double discrimination: Do discriminating job ads discriminate in callbacks?” (2019) (with Raymundo Campos), Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy, 2: 257-268.

  • “Desigualdades en el sistema de becas para posgrado en el extranjero en México / Inequalities in the Scholarship System for Graduate Studies Abroad in Mexico” (2019) (with Raymundo Campos, Eduardo Medina & Yunoen Badillo*), Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, 24(80): 69-100.

  • “Negociación y preferencias económicas por género: Evidencia experimental en México / Bargaining and Economic Preferences by Gender: Experimental Evidence in Mexico” (2018) (with Raymundo Campos, Eduardo Medina & Roberto Vélez), El Trimestre Económico, 3(339): 645-678.

  • ​​“Financial literacy among Mexican high school teenagers” (2017) (with Alejandro Villagómez) International Review of Economics Education.​

  • “Does the effect of pollution on infant mortality differ between developing and developed countries? Evidence from Mexico City” (2016) (with Rema Hanna and Paulina Oliva) The Economic Journal, 126(591): 257-280.​

  • “Teenage pregnancy in Mexico: Evolution and consequences” (2014) (with Raymundo Campos), Latin American Journal of Economics, 51(1): 109-146.​

  • “Race and marriage in the labor market: A discrimination correspondence study in a developing country” (2014) (with Raymundo Campos), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 104(5): 376-380.​

  • “Evolución de la brecha salarial de género en México” (2014) (with Raymundo Campos), El Trimestre Económico, 81(1). Working paper version.

  • “Impact of economic crises on mortality: The case of Mexico” (2010), Estudios Económicos, 25(1): 135-175.

Book chapters:

  • “Se solicita urgente: empleo productivo y bien remunerado. Jóvenes en el mercado laboral 2005-2017 / Urgent Request: Productive and Well-Paid Employment. Youth in the Labor Market 2005-2017” (2018), in Campos Vázquez, Raymundo M. & Fausto Hernández Trillo (coords.), Buen diagnóstico, buena solución: Los retos de la economía mexicana / Good Diagnosis, Good Solution: The Challenges of the Mexican Economy. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, pp. 83-93. ISBN: 9786071659705.

  • “Millenials en América Latina y el Caribe: Escuchando a los jóvenes de México / Millennials in Latin America and the Caribbean: Listening to the Youth of Mexico” (2018) (with Roberto Vélez Grajales, Raymundo M. Campos Vázquez, Rocío Espinosa & Claudia E. Fonseca), in R. Novella, A. Repetto, C. Robino y G. Rucci (eds.), Millennials en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿estudiar o trabajar? / Millennials in Latin America and the Caribbean: Study or Work?, Inter-American Development Bank.

  • “¿Quiénes son los NiNis en México? / Who are the NEETs in Mexico?” (2018) (with Raymundo Campos), in R. de la Torre, E. Rodríguez-Oreggia & I. Soloaga (coords.), Política social y bienestar. México desde el año 2000 / Social Policy and Welfare. Mexico since 2000. CIDE: México, pp. 343-370.

  • “La incursión de las mujeres en el trabajo fuera del hogar” (2016), in Galia García Palafox (ed.), ¿Oprimidas o Empoderadas?: Dónde están las mexicanas del siglo XXI, México: Travesías Media. 

  • “¿Quiénes son los NiNis en México?” (forthcoming) (with Raymundo Campos). Previous version: CIDE, División de Economía, Documento de Trabajo Núm. 524 (book chapter edited by UNDP).

  • “Determinantes intergeneracionales de la desocupación juvenil” (2015) in R. Campos, J. Huerta and R. Vélez (eds.), México, ¿el motor inmóvil?, México: CEEY.

  • “Discriminación en el mercado laboral mexicano: un experimento de campo” (2014) (with Raymundo Campos) in G. Meixueiro Nájera and S. Moreno Pérez (coords.), Premio Nacional de Investigación Social y de Opinión Pública 2012, CESOP: México, D.F, pp. 123-157.

  • “Drug-related violence and forced migration from Mexico to the United States” (2013) in G. Genna and D. Mayer-Foulkes (eds.), North American Integration: An Institutional Void in Migration, Security and Development, New York: Routledge.

  • “Estudio cuantitativo sobre desempleo en México y sus implicaciones para la participación laboral femenina” (2012), in Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (comp.) Género y Desarrollo II: Investigación para la igualdad sustantiva de las mujeres, México.


working papers and work in progress

Latest projects
Working papers:


  • “Gender Wage Gaps from the Outset: An Analysis of Reservation Wages in Mexico” (2024) (with Raymundo Campos & Carolina Rivas*)

  • “Change my Mind? Women and STEM fields” (2024) (with Pedro Guerrero Abou-Samra*), in review.

  • “Discrimination Going Viral: Evidence from COVID-19” (2023) (with Raymundo Campos & Raquel Badillo*)

  • “Inside the black box of child penalties: Extended families and unpaid work” (2023) (with Sandra Aguilar-Gómez & Elia de la Cruz Toledo), R&R.

  • “Follow the leader? Public health messaging, and contention of mobility in Mexico during the Covid-19 pandemic” (2021) (with Sandra Aguilar-Gómez, Elia de la Cruz & Pedro Torres López*).

  • “Preferences for redistribution in the land of inequalities: experimental and observational evidence for Mexico” (2020) (with L. Guillermo Woo-Mora* & Hernán Bejarano)

  • “Barriers to female labor force participation in Mexico” (2019) (with Alma Santillán)

  • “Double-shift high schools and school performance: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design” (2017) (with Raymundo Campos & Carlos Muñoz*)

  • “Do local labor market conditions affect the extent of gender discrimination? (2016) (with Raymundo Campos), UNU WIDER Working Paper 80/2016

  • “Job Search, Social Interactions, and Immigrants’ Labor Market Performance” (2012). R&R.

  • “Immigrants’ Location Choices: The Role of Networks’ Labor Market Outcomes” (2011)

  • “Labor Supply of Married Women in Mexico: 1990–2000” (2010) (with Raymundo Campos).


Work in progress:

  • “Women in Economics: The Case of the Mexican Academia”

  • “Sorry, Dear, I Wasn’t Myself: Alcohol and Domestic Violence”

  • “Does Paid Female Work Reduce Male Emigration? Evidence from Mexico” (with Arnoldo López-Marmolejo & Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària)

  • “Expectations in Sports and Domestic Violence: Evidence from Mexico” (with Alejandro Parada Cervantes* & Irvin Rojas Valdés)

  • “Determinants of obstetric violence in Mexico”

  • “Inside the black box of child penalties: Do public policies reduce the gap?” (with Sandra Aguilar Gómez & Elia de la Cruz Toledo)

  • “Inside the black box of child penalties: A Woman’s Job? Gender Norms and Child Penalties” (with Sandra Aguilar Gómez & Elia de la Cruz Toledo)

  • “Inside the black box of child penalties: Heterogenous Impact by Income” (with Sandra Aguilar Gómez & Elia de la Cruz Toledo)

  • “Inside the black box of child penalties: Occupational and Sectoral Transitions” (with Sandra Aguilar Gómez & Elia de la Cruz Toledo)

  • “Gender Gaps in Art Prices: Evidence from Mexican Paintors” (with Valeria Espinosa*)

  • “Labor Supply of Married Women in Mexico: 1990–2020” (with Daniela Ayala* & Raymundo Campos)

  • “How Did Increases in Female Work Change the Mexican Economy? (with Daniela Ayala*)

  • “Gender Violence and Women’s Social Mobility”

  • “Intergenerational Mobility in Two-Parent vs. Mono-Parental Households”

  • “Which Universities Promote Social Mobility in Mexico?” (con David Aké*)

  • “Do Preferences for Competition Differ Among Girls and Boys? An Experimental Study at an Edu-Entertainment Park in Mexico” (with Paola Rodríguez Escobedo* & Hernán Bejarano)

  • “From In-Kind to Direct Monetary Transfers for Childcare: Maternal Work Responses in Mexico”

  • “Does skin tone and beauty play a role in bargaining games? Evidence from the lab” (with Raymundo Campos)

  • “Biology and bargaining in Mexico: Evidence from the lab” (with Raymundo Campos)

  • “Gender wage gaps and domestic violence in Mexico” (with Liliana Rojas*)

  • “Intergenerational transmission of domestic violence and youth school and labor choices”

  • “Added-Worker Effects in Mexico Revisited”

* Indicates that this coauthor is a former student.


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