Eva O. Arceo-Gómez
Professor of Economics @ CIDE
Journal articles:
“Extreme temperatures and school performance of the poor: Evidence from Mexico” (2024) (with Alejandro López-Feldman), Economics Letters, 238.
“International remittances and the labor market in Peru” (2023) (with Roy Herd Núñez Joyo*), Economía Journal, 46(92): 125-154.
“The Impact of COVID-19 Infection on Labor Market Outcomes of Mexican Formal Workers” (2023) (with Raymundo M. Campos-Vázquez, Gerardo Esquivel, Eduardo Alcaraz, Luis A. Martínez, & Norma G. López), World Development Perspectives.
“Gender bias in evaluation processes” (2022) (with Raymundo Campos), Economics of Education Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econedurev.2022.102272
“Gender stereotypes in job advertisements: What do they imply for the gender salary gap?” (2022) (with Raymundo Campos, Raquel Badillo & Sergio Lopez-Araiza), Journal of Labor Research, 43: 65-102.
“Costo económico de la impunidad / Economic cost of impunity” (2022), Sobre México Revista de Economía, 3(5): 1-37.
“The income gradient in COVID-19 mortality and hospitalisation: An observational study with social security administrative records in Mexico” (2022) (with Raymundo M. Campos-Vázquez, Gerardo Esquivel, Eduardo Alcaraz, Luis A. Martínez, & Norma G. López), The Lancet Regional Health: The Americas. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lana.2021.100115
“Brechas salariales por auto-identificación indígena y rasgos lingüísticos en Méxic / Wage Gaps by Indigenous Self-Identification and Linguistic Traits in Mexico” (2021) (with Pedro Torres*), Sobre México Revista de Economía, 3(2): 129-161.
“Droughts and rural households’ wellbeing: evidence from Mexico” (2020) (with Danaé Hernández* & Alejandro López-Feldman), Climatic Change, 162: 1197-1212.
“Gender Stereotypes: The case of MisProfesores.com in Mexico” (2019) (with Raymundo Campos), Economics of Education Review. 72: 55-65.
“Double discrimination: Do discriminating job ads discriminate in callbacks?” (2019) (with Raymundo Campos), Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy, 2: 257-268.
“Desigualdades en el sistema de becas para posgrado en el extranjero en México / Inequalities in the Scholarship System for Graduate Studies Abroad in Mexico” (2019) (with Raymundo Campos, Eduardo Medina & Yunoen Badillo*), Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, 24(80): 69-100.
“Negociación y preferencias económicas por género: Evidencia experimental en México / Bargaining and Economic Preferences by Gender: Experimental Evidence in Mexico” (2018) (with Raymundo Campos, Eduardo Medina & Roberto Vélez), El Trimestre Económico, 3(339): 645-678.
“Financial literacy among Mexican high school teenagers” (2017) (with Alejandro Villagómez) International Review of Economics Education.
“Does the effect of pollution on infant mortality differ between developing and developed countries? Evidence from Mexico City” (2016) (with Rema Hanna and Paulina Oliva) The Economic Journal, 126(591): 257-280.
“Teenage pregnancy in Mexico: Evolution and consequences” (2014) (with Raymundo Campos), Latin American Journal of Economics, 51(1): 109-146.
“Race and marriage in the labor market: A discrimination correspondence study in a developing country” (2014) (with Raymundo Campos), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 104(5): 376-380.
“Evolución de la brecha salarial de género en México” (2014) (with Raymundo Campos), El Trimestre Económico, 81(1). Working paper version.
“Impact of economic crises on mortality: The case of Mexico” (2010), Estudios Económicos, 25(1): 135-175.
Book chapters:
“Se solicita urgente: empleo productivo y bien remunerado. Jóvenes en el mercado laboral 2005-2017 / Urgent Request: Productive and Well-Paid Employment. Youth in the Labor Market 2005-2017” (2018), in Campos Vázquez, Raymundo M. & Fausto Hernández Trillo (coords.), Buen diagnóstico, buena solución: Los retos de la economía mexicana / Good Diagnosis, Good Solution: The Challenges of the Mexican Economy. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, pp. 83-93. ISBN: 9786071659705.
“Millenials en América Latina y el Caribe: Escuchando a los jóvenes de México / Millennials in Latin America and the Caribbean: Listening to the Youth of Mexico” (2018) (with Roberto Vélez Grajales, Raymundo M. Campos Vázquez, Rocío Espinosa & Claudia E. Fonseca), in R. Novella, A. Repetto, C. Robino y G. Rucci (eds.), Millennials en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿estudiar o trabajar? / Millennials in Latin America and the Caribbean: Study or Work?, Inter-American Development Bank.
“¿Quiénes son los NiNis en México? / Who are the NEETs in Mexico?” (2018) (with Raymundo Campos), in R. de la Torre, E. Rodríguez-Oreggia & I. Soloaga (coords.), Política social y bienestar. México desde el año 2000 / Social Policy and Welfare. Mexico since 2000. CIDE: México, pp. 343-370.
“La incursión de las mujeres en el trabajo fuera del hogar” (2016), in Galia García Palafox (ed.), ¿Oprimidas o Empoderadas?: Dónde están las mexicanas del siglo XXI, México: Travesías Media.
“¿Quiénes son los NiNis en México?” (forthcoming) (with Raymundo Campos). Previous version: CIDE, División de Economía, Documento de Trabajo Núm. 524 (book chapter edited by UNDP).
“Determinantes intergeneracionales de la desocupación juvenil” (2015) in R. Campos, J. Huerta and R. Vélez (eds.), México, ¿el motor inmóvil?, México: CEEY.
“Discriminación en el mercado laboral mexicano: un experimento de campo” (2014) (with Raymundo Campos) in G. Meixueiro Nájera and S. Moreno Pérez (coords.), Premio Nacional de Investigación Social y de Opinión Pública 2012, CESOP: México, D.F, pp. 123-157.
“Drug-related violence and forced migration from Mexico to the United States” (2013) in G. Genna and D. Mayer-Foulkes (eds.), North American Integration: An Institutional Void in Migration, Security and Development, New York: Routledge.
“Estudio cuantitativo sobre desempleo en México y sus implicaciones para la participación laboral femenina” (2012), in Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (comp.) Género y Desarrollo II: Investigación para la igualdad sustantiva de las mujeres, México.
working papers and work in progress
Working papers:
“Gender Wage Gaps from the Outset: An Analysis of Reservation Wages in Mexico” (2024) (with Raymundo Campos & Carolina Rivas*)
“Change my Mind? Women and STEM fields” (2024) (with Pedro Guerrero Abou-Samra*), in review.
“Discrimination Going Viral: Evidence from COVID-19” (2023) (with Raymundo Campos & Raquel Badillo*)
“Inside the black box of child penalties: Extended families and unpaid work” (2023) (with Sandra Aguilar-Gómez & Elia de la Cruz Toledo), R&R.
“Follow the leader? Public health messaging, and contention of mobility in Mexico during the Covid-19 pandemic” (2021) (with Sandra Aguilar-Gómez, Elia de la Cruz & Pedro Torres López*).
“Preferences for redistribution in the land of inequalities: experimental and observational evidence for Mexico” (2020) (with L. Guillermo Woo-Mora* & Hernán Bejarano)
“Barriers to female labor force participation in Mexico” (2019) (with Alma Santillán)
“Double-shift high schools and school performance: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design” (2017) (with Raymundo Campos & Carlos Muñoz*)
“Do local labor market conditions affect the extent of gender discrimination? (2016) (with Raymundo Campos), UNU WIDER Working Paper 80/2016
“Job Search, Social Interactions, and Immigrants’ Labor Market Performance” (2012). R&R.
“Immigrants’ Location Choices: The Role of Networks’ Labor Market Outcomes” (2011)
“Labor Supply of Married Women in Mexico: 1990–2000” (2010) (with Raymundo Campos).
Work in progress:
“Women in Economics: The Case of the Mexican Academia”
“Sorry, Dear, I Wasn’t Myself: Alcohol and Domestic Violence”
“Does Paid Female Work Reduce Male Emigration? Evidence from Mexico” (with Arnoldo López-Marmolejo & Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària)
“Expectations in Sports and Domestic Violence: Evidence from Mexico” (with Alejandro Parada Cervantes* & Irvin Rojas Valdés)
“Determinants of obstetric violence in Mexico”
“Inside the black box of child penalties: Do public policies reduce the gap?” (with Sandra Aguilar Gómez & Elia de la Cruz Toledo)
“Inside the black box of child penalties: A Woman’s Job? Gender Norms and Child Penalties” (with Sandra Aguilar Gómez & Elia de la Cruz Toledo)
“Inside the black box of child penalties: Heterogenous Impact by Income” (with Sandra Aguilar Gómez & Elia de la Cruz Toledo)
“Inside the black box of child penalties: Occupational and Sectoral Transitions” (with Sandra Aguilar Gómez & Elia de la Cruz Toledo)
“Gender Gaps in Art Prices: Evidence from Mexican Paintors” (with Valeria Espinosa*)
“Labor Supply of Married Women in Mexico: 1990–2020” (with Daniela Ayala* & Raymundo Campos)
“How Did Increases in Female Work Change the Mexican Economy? (with Daniela Ayala*)
“Gender Violence and Women’s Social Mobility”
“Intergenerational Mobility in Two-Parent vs. Mono-Parental Households”
“Which Universities Promote Social Mobility in Mexico?” (con David Aké*)
“Do Preferences for Competition Differ Among Girls and Boys? An Experimental Study at an Edu-Entertainment Park in Mexico” (with Paola Rodríguez Escobedo* & Hernán Bejarano)
“From In-Kind to Direct Monetary Transfers for Childcare: Maternal Work Responses in Mexico”
“Does skin tone and beauty play a role in bargaining games? Evidence from the lab” (with Raymundo Campos)
“Biology and bargaining in Mexico: Evidence from the lab” (with Raymundo Campos)
“Gender wage gaps and domestic violence in Mexico” (with Liliana Rojas*)
“Intergenerational transmission of domestic violence and youth school and labor choices”
“Added-Worker Effects in Mexico Revisited”
* Indicates that this coauthor is a former student.